You may have noticed this year's Fair theme is "The World for a Shilling."
The phrase originates from the Great Exhibition of 1851, in which countries from all over the world converged in London for an exhibition of works industry, art and culture. The exhibition was organized by Prince Albert and Henry Cole along with many others and a large amount of support from Queen Victoria.
The phrase: The World for a Shilling came about when the entrance fee for the fair dropped down to one shilling. People of the working class could get into the exhibition without breaking the bank and see things from around the world. I chose this theme because as authors we are like the many countries who came together to show their work to the world and because with each book we open, we step into a new world.
In going with the theme, compared to 1851, a shilling is worth about $5 in today's standards. Because of this, any books going for $5 or less will receive a special spotlight on the Book Catalog Page during the fair.

Both Ghostwriter and The End of All Things will be $4.99 for the duration of the Fair! To get the special price, you need to buy directly from the TWCS website. There is a large selection of books for "under a shilling" at the Blogger Book Fair website!
There are also a bunch of giveaways, promos and free books. Are there any more beautiful words in the English language than "free books?"
There are over 170 books featured and 70 authors. It's gonna be a blast. Check it out, because you're sure to find some new favorites!
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